RLC XII 2025 is Offically Sold Out!!!

RLC XII 2025 is Offically Sold Out!!!

It is official, RLC XII 2025 is SOLD OUT!! But that doesn’t mean all hope to join us on our fabulous rock n’ roll adventure is lost. Give us a call at 888.666.1499 and we will put you on our Wait List. Ya never know…..sh!t happens!

What Passengers Think

I can honestly say the cruise was incredible – from the music, food, drinks, and service from all involved. Everyone was cheerful and helpful. The Gary Hoey Jam was. The ultimate. I was tired and did not think I would be able to stay awake or stay on my feet all night long. All of the food establishments were very tasty and clean. Considering this is the peak of flu season, I think the ship was very clean and the staff went above and beyond to keep it that way. Great time had by all. Thank you everyone involved.

Patty, Cruise was incredible! Patty, Cruise was incredible!

Been on them all and booked for the next one. Music is GREAT, people are GREAT. It is definitely the best time ever. The musicians are very friendly and your donation goes for a good cause. Keep up the good work NAHA.

Pam, Words can't explain Pam, Words can't explain