Guest Conduct Policy

Royal Caribbean International®

Throughout its history, Royal Caribbean International® (RCI) has provided its guests with a wide variety of cruise experiences that lead to exceptional vacations. Whether it’s our professional and friendly crew, our unmatched fleet of ships, our almost endless variety of activities, our extensive list of beautiful and exotic destinations and excursions, our exciting entertainment, or our wide variety of delicious food, you will find many reasons why your RCI cruise vacation will be one of the best you have ever experienced.

You may also find that one of the most amazing parts of your cruise vacation experience will be the many rich and varied cultures represented among our guests. This diversity offers a chance to learn about different parts of the world and to make new friends. But just as a new friend can enhance your vacation experience, some guests may behave in ways you find unusual or undesirable. Since our guests do come from different and diverse backgrounds, it is important that everyone have a common understanding of the behavioral standards in place on RCI ships.

Rock Legends Cruise

Rock Legends Cruise is a music cruise fundraiser hosted by the Native American Heritage Association on a ship chartered from RCI. This means there are some special circumstances that come into play, which are addressed here.

  • Passengers are not permitted to bring ANY alcohol onboard on embarkation day.
  • No video equipment or professional cameras are allowed at the shows. If you arrive at a venue with either, you will not be allowed inside and asked to return the equipment to your cabin.
  • Deck chairs are NOT to be saved for extended periods of time. We all need to sit down occasionally – please be considerate to your fellow passengers.
  • Marijuana is illegal on Royal Caribbean ships. Anyone in possession of an illegal substance is at risk of arrest, even with a prescription. It is not recommended that passengers bring any form of marijuana (medical or otherwise) or other illegal substances on the cruise.
  • Be respectful of the artists (and their guests) when they are out and about between performances.
  • Ideally every show will start on time, but the reality is that sometimes we get a little behind the times published on the schedule. Please be patient, go grab a bite or a drink and we’ll get things started as soon as possible.
  • We want all passengers to enjoy themselves to the fullest, but let’s all be reasonable. Simply put, if your behavior interferes with the ability of other passengers to enjoy their cruise, that’s uncool and there will be consequences.

Rock Legends Cruise has been very fortunate to establish an amazing relationship with Royal Caribbean. Let’s continue to maintain that relationship!

This Guest Conduct Policy is intended to help ensure that all guests are able to participate in a safe and enjoyable cruise vacation and sets forth standards of conduct for guests to follow throughout their RCI cruise vacation, including transfers to and from ships, inside terminals, while onboard, at ports of call, during shore excursions and at RCI private destinations. This policy is not intended to be all inclusive, and it is likely there will be conduct issues that it does not specifically address. In that event, as in all others, guests are expected to follow the direction of the ship’s Captain who will take appropriate action to ensure the safety, security and well-being of all guests. In addition to this policy, guests are expected to comply with applicable laws of the various countries that they visit. Updates to the Guest Conduct Policy may be made between publications of this document.

Safety and Security

Safety and security are everyone’s responsibility. All guests must attend the mandatory muster drill and follow all other safety instructions issued by the Captain. Should anyone become aware of someone being injured, or of unsafe or possibly illegal behavior during their cruise vacation, they should immediately report this to the ship’s Security Staff or other ship management. This may be done through the ship’s telephone or by seeking the assistance of a crew member. If you do not immediately report an injury or unsafe / illegal behavior this delay may cause the ship’s personnel to be unable to effectively respond to the situation. A reporting delay may also cause the ship to be unable to properly preserve information or evidence and may cause a delay in notifying the proper law enforcement or other Government officials. You can find additional helpful information in the “Security Guide” available on the RCI website and onboard at Guest Services.

Guest Conduct

Guest and Crew Interaction

RCI crew members are friendly, outgoing and helpful, and they will do their very best to make your vacation as enjoyable as possible. Please do not misinterpret their friendliness. Crew members are prohibited from engaging in physical relationships with guests. Crew members are not permitted to socialize with guests beyond their professional duties, and are not permitted to be in guest staterooms, except for the performance of their shipboard duties. Guests are expected to respect these policies and are similarly prohibited from engaging in physical relationships with crew members. Guests are not permitted in any restricted or crew area of the ship, including crew staterooms and corridors.

Verbally Abusive or Offensive Language

Verbally abusive or offensive language directed toward anyone, including guests, crew members, governmental officials, or others is not permitted.

Inappropriate or Abusive Behavior

Inappropriate or abusive behavior is not permitted. This includes: uninvited physical contact, solicitation, harassment, vandalism, theft, violence, use of fake/false identification, underage drinking (see alcohol section below), providing alcohol to those under the allowed age (see alcohol section below), possession of illegal substances/items, placing materials (including signs, banners, decorations, etc.) anywhere on the exterior of the ship, placing materials anywhere on the interior of the ship (including stateroom doors, along corridors, etc.) which may be deemed by ship management as inappropriate, or any other illegal or offensive conduct.

Unsafe Behavior

Sitting, standing, laying or climbing on, over or across any exterior or interior railings or other protective barriers, or tampering with ship’s equipment, facilities or systems designed for guest safety is not permitted. Guests may not enter or access any area that is restricted and for the use of crew members. Any other unsafe behavior, including failure to follow security instructions, is not permitted.

Discourteous or Disruptive Behavior

Pool, deck and theater chairs may not be reserved. Public nudity is not permitted, and guests must be appropriately attired (including while on stateroom balconies if visible to others onboard, on other vessels or ashore). Boom boxes or loud radios are not permitted. Roller blades, roller skates, skateboards, scooters, surfboards, bicycles, hoverboards, and similar items may not be utilized onboard; except for mobility aids related to special needs, as approved by the ship’s medical staff.


For the comfort and enjoyment of all guests, RCI ships are designated as non-smoking; however, we recognize that some guests do smoke. Therefore, to provide an onboard environment that also satisfies smokers, we have designated certain areas of the ship as smoking areas.

Smoking is not permitted inside any stateroom and any stateroom balcony. This applies to all stateroom categories onboard. If a guest is in violation of this stateroom policy, a cleaning fee of $250 USD will be applied to their SeaPass® account and may be subject to further action pursuant to the “Consequences Section” of the Guest Conduct Policy.

Cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco must be properly disposed of and never thrown overboard. Cigar and pipe tobacco is limited to designated outdoor areas. You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase, possess or use tobacco onboard. Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes are only permitted within the designated smoking areas.

Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is allowed on the ship in the following areas ONLY:

  • Port side of ship in outdoor areas on Decks 11 & 12 (except in the Splashaway Bay kids’ water park) – When facing the pool deck stage, port side is to your right)
  • Port side outdoor areas on Deck 4 (only areas with ashtrays)
  • Casino Royale (also has a designated non-smoking area marked with visible signs)

Exceptions to Royal Caribbean’s normal smoking policy have been made for Rock Legends Cruise, to allow passengers to smoke in additional port side outdoor areas.

RCI kindly asks all guests to please observe the smoking policy. These requests are made to provide a comfortable cruise for everyone. Guest may also inquire at Guest Services for the location of the designated smoking areas onboard. Guests who violate this smoking policy may be subject to further action pursuant to the “Consequences Section” of this Guest Conduct Policy.


Ship’s management reserves the right to enact curfews on an individual, group, or ship-wide basis, if in the sole judgment of the ship’s Captain, such steps become necessary to ensure guest or crew safety.

Departing from a Ship

Parents or guardians must not permit any guest in their care under age 18 from leaving a ship in any port without responsible adult supervision.

Parental and Guardian Responsibility

For purposes of this Guest Conduct Policy, a minor is defined as anyone under the age of 18. A young adult is defined as anyone ages 18, 19 or 20. Parents and guardians are responsible for the behavior and appropriate supervision of their accompanying minor(s) and young adult(s) throughout their vacation. This obligation applies during transfers to and from ships, inside terminals, while onboard, at ports of call, during shore excursions and at RCI private destinations. This responsibility applies at all times, regardless of whether the parents and guardians are physically in the company of their minor(s) and young adult(s). Under no circumstances should the parent or guardian of a minor debark the ship without their accompanying minor(s) or without having made arrangements for the accompanying minor(s) appropriate supervision on the ship during their absence.


RCI guests are expected to be responsible for their actions at all times, including during transfers to and from ships, inside terminals, while onboard, at ports of call, during shore excursions and at RCI private destinations. Consuming alcohol to excess impairs one’s judgment and reduces one’s ability to recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations. Guests who choose to consume alcohol must do so responsibly. The ship’s staff may refuse to serve alcoholic beverages to any guest who does not consume alcohol responsibly, including those who have purchased an all-inclusive beverage package. Ship’s personnel may request verification of a guest’s age to verify they are of age to consume alcohol pursuant to this policy. Any guest that violates this alcohol policy will be considered for disciplinary action pursuant to the “Consequences Section” of this Guest Conduct Policy and may lose their privileges to use the disco or other areas or facilities of the ship.

Rock Legends Cruise guests are not permitted to bring ANY alcoholic beverages (including wine) onboard on embarkation day. Security may inspect containers (including water bottles, soda bottles, mouthwash, canteens, etc.) at any time and will dispose of alcohol concealed in such containers. Alcoholic beverages that are purchased from onboard shops or in ports of call (which must be presented to security upon re-boarding), will be secured by ship’s personnel. Alcohol secured by ship’s personnel will be returned to guests just prior to the conclusion of their cruise vacation. Guests who are under the permitted drinking age (21) will not have alcohol returned to them.

The minimum drinking age for all alcoholic beverages on RCI ships sailing from North America is 21. No guest under age 21 may possess or consume alcohol at any time while onboard or at RCI private destinations. Any guest who goes ashore and consumes alcohol (whether under the supervision of a parent/guardian or not) is responsible for ensuring they consume responsibly and retain their ability to recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations when they return to the ship. Parents/guardians are reminded they are responsible for the actions of their minor and young adult children at all times while on a RCI cruise vacation.

Guests who violate any alcohol policy, including but not limited to underage drinking; providing alcohol to minors or young adults; possessing, concealing or attempting to conceal alcoholic items in their luggage, when boarding or while onboard; engaging in alcohol drinking games; or failing to consume alcohol responsibly, will be considered for discipline under the provisions of this policy.

Prohibited Items

Items with Heating Elements or Open Flames

Certain items that generate heat or produce an open flame are not permitted onboard. This includes clothing irons, hotplates, candles, incense and any other item that may create a fire hazard. Curling irons and hair dryers are allowed.

Drugs or Other Illegal Substances

No illegal drugs or other illegal substances are allowed onboard or may be utilized during a RCI cruise vacation, including during transfers to and from ships, inside terminals, while onboard, at ports of call, during shore excursions or at RCI private destinations. Illegal drugs or substances will be confiscated, and appropriate action taken, which may include removal from the ship and involvement of appropriate authorities. In addition, foreign governments at RCI ports of call have strict laws that address drug possession. Guests found in violation of such laws are subject to arrest and prosecution by the foreign jurisdiction (and perhaps United States or other authorities as well) and may be prevented from re-boarding the ship.

Weapons, Explosives or Other Dangerous Items

No weapon, explosive, fireworks, or other item that presents a risk of harm to persons or property, is permitted onboard. Items not permitted onboard will be taken by ship’s Security.

Firearms and other weapons are not allowed onboard. Guests who declare to ship’s personnel the presence of a firearm or other weapon (on their person or in their luggage) will be given the opportunity to dispose of it prior to boarding. Guests who fail to declare the presence of a firearm or other weapon may be denied boarding. Items such as dive knives must be reported to ship’s personnel at the time of boarding and may be permitted onboard but held in safe custody by the ship’s Security staff when not in use ashore.


Hand Washing

Guests are strongly encouraged to wash their hands with soap and hot water after using the restroom and before eating or handling food. Medical experts say that one of the best ways to prevent contagious illnesses, like gastrointestinal viruses, colds and flu, from starting or spreading is to wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and hot water after using the restroom and again before eating or handling food.

Illnesses and Isolation of Guests

RCI follows practices and maintains policies that seek to prevent illnesses from affecting guests. In the event you experience symptoms that indicate a gastrointestinal illness, such as diarrhea or vomiting, or know of someone experiencing these symptoms, you must advise the medical staff immediately. In addition, some gastrointestinal illnesses remain contagious up to 72 hours or more after symptoms subside; therefore, if you or someone you know experienced such an illness just prior to your cruise vacation, you must immediately notify the ship’s medical staff. This will permit the crew to take steps to reduce the chance that your illness will spread to others on the ship.

Failure to immediately report a contagious illness to the ship’s medical staff, or to accurately describe its onset, greatly increases the likelihood the illness will spread to others and is a violation of this Guest Conduct Policy. In the event of a contagious illness, the ship’s crew will take steps to curtail its spread to other guests, including if necessary, steps set forth in the Consequences Section below.

Fitness to Travel Safely

Guests with disabilities are not required to travel with another person as a condition to traveling on RCI ships. However, all guests must consider that crew members are not required to assist guests with personal tasks or personal hygiene needs (e.g. assisting with eating, dressing, toileting). Therefore, guests requiring assistance with these functions should consider these needs when planning a cruise vacation.

If there is a question as to a prospective guest’s ability to independently provide for their personal needs or hygiene without being a danger to themselves or others, and the guest plans to travel alone, this situation must be discussed with the company’s Access Department prior to booking a cruise vacation. The Access Department can be reached at [email protected] or by calling 1.866.592.7225. This will allow an individualized assessment of the guest’s fitness to travel for the duration of the cruise without personal assistance. Unaccompanied guests attempting to board or found onboard without the ability to independently care for their personal needs will be evaluated to determine if they are fit to safely travel without assistance. Guests who are found unfit to travel may be denied boarding or removed from the ship at the next port of call.


Guests must ensure that they bring an adequate supply of any medication they require for the entire duration of the cruise. The ship’s medical centers may not have a supply of any needed medication and not all medication will be available in the ports of call. Guests must not pack medication in checked luggage to ensure you always have immediate access if needed.


Save the Waves® Program and Trash/Waste Disposal

RCI maintains a Save the Waves® Program that focuses on three key principles: Reducing the creation or generation of waste materials; recycling as much as possible; and ensuring proper disposal of remaining waste. Trash should be properly disposed of in containers provided throughout the ship or in wastebaskets provided in each stateroom. Trash or other foreign objects should never be flushed down a toilet and guests are not permitted to discard any item overboard. Guests may not leave items unattended on balconies, as the wind may cause items to fall overboard.

Other Age Policies

Guests must be at least 18 years of age to gamble in casinos onboard.

The minimum age for a guest to drink or possess alcoholic beverages on ships sailing from North America or at any of Royal Caribbean’s private destinations is 21.

** Guests ages 13 to 15 may be permitted to utilize the Fitness Center during certain times of the day; provided the young guest is accompanied and supervised at all times by their parent or guardian and provided a waiver of liability has been signed by the parent or guardian who is present in the fitness center. See the Cruise Compass or contact Guest Services for the specific FitnessCenter age restrictions on your cruise vacation.


Failure to act in accordance with this policy, or if a guest’s presence onboard creates a concern for safety or security, may result in:

  • Intervention by Security, other management personnel, or law enforcement;
  • Removal of certain onboard privileges, which may include being detained, quarantined or confined in a stateroom or holding cell;
  • Confiscation of illegal/contraband/prohibited items (may be turned over to law enforcement authorities);
  • Denial of boarding on the current or any future RCI cruise vacation;
  • Reporting of incidents to government and law enforcement authorities for follow-on legal action;
  • Removal from a ship at the next port of call. Guests removed from a RCI ship pursuant to this policy are responsible for their own accommodations and transportation home, at their expense. Documentation requirements for re-entry into the guest’s home country are also the responsibility of the guest.

Establishing and articulating a Guest Conduct Policy helps ensure that all guests are able to enjoy a fantastic, safe and secure cruise vacation experience. RCI appreciates your support of this policy and hopes this will be the best vacation you have ever had.